Gestalt Physics - atomic social science EVENT reports

The Theory of Everything includes you and everything else

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Leopold & Loeb railroad tracks

RD-blog-number-4183 by Herb Zinser  reviews the Leopold & Loeb year 1924 signal about EARTHLY  parallel universes using the Euclidean geometry signal of 2 parallel lines ....



Parallel lines. (Coordinate Geometry) - Math Open Reference
When two straight lines are plotted on the coordinate plane, we can tell if they are parallel from the slope, of each line. If the slopes are the same then the lines ...

Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Leopold --> symbol  -->  L  --> Line  human representative  1
Loeb  --> symbol  --> L   for  Line agent 2

Leopold and Loeb Murder Case by Bethany Dixon on Prezi
Nov 25, 2013 - Leopold and Loeb spent seven months planning the murder, the ...
They concealed the body in a culvert at the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks..



What other places or  events in history mention parallel.

Paris ---> Par + IS --> Parallel Information Systems -  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to 18th century and the French Revolution - Paris is the capital and most populous city of France. Situated on the Seine River, in the north of the ...




Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island  --> hence, the  secret  ISIS link

Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island is an 8,095 acres military installation located within Port Royal, South Carolina, approximately 5 miles south of Beaufort, the community that is typically associated with the installation.



The SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools ....


Recruit Depot Parris Island


Parris --> Par + arr + is --> Parallel array information systems 

Depot --> subset letters --> de --> code 

Island --> subset letters --> Is --> Information Systems


Port royal --> Computer Earth I/O Port  ..similar to copper-wire computers



Below, Nature's EARTH LAB  view of geography region  Port Royal and subset existential ...

 human bio-computers 



Let's look at some more clues from  the Leopold and Loeb signal.

I repeat another blog post that mentions several ideas for you to consider for your research.


The Leopold & Loeb bio-computer murder

Rd-blog-number-4182 by Herb Zinser reviews the  University of Chicago  bio-computer murder of year 1924.


Let’s repeat another blog post that outlines many ideas … and then we shall write the  conclusion suggested by the empirical data  of year 1924  …. using year 2014 copper-wire computer technology concepts and terms.



ROBERT FRANKS in year 1924.


RD-blog-number-4180 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database of the year 1914 murder of   Arch Duke Ferdinand and the year 1924 murder of 14 year old Robert Franks.

The Huffington Post

Jun 28, 2014 – Gavrilo Princip, a 19-year-old Bosnian Serb, hit the heir to the A… … riding in their car, minutes before their assassination on June 28, 1914.

The TEN years later …via Tensor space/ time ……….

Hermann Weyl, Space-Time-Matter, linear tensor fields of … › Discussions › sci.math.* › sci.math
Math Forum

Jan 3, 2014 – This question pertains to Hermann Weyl’s Space-Time-Matter, Chapter II: The Metrical Continuum, Section 13: Tensors and Tensor-densities in …

year 1914 + TEN of   Ten sor(e) space/time –> Year 1924


Jump to Murder of Robert Franks – Leopold (then 19 years old) and Loeb (18) settled on the … decided upon Robert “Bobby” Franks, the 14-year-old … The pair put their carefully crafted plan in motion on the afternoon of May 21, 1924.

  • Homicide in Chicago 1870-1930 :: 1924: Leopold and Loeb

    For Chicago, the Leopold and Loeb trial was the crime of the century. A fourteen year old boy,Bobby Franks, was murdered by two young men, Nathan Leopold …

    The Chicago Crime Scenes Project: Nathan Leopold’s Home

    Sep 26, 2009 – Years of speculation by researchers about whether Leopold or Loeb …. while housed in separate rooms at the Windermere Hotel on 56th and 

    Thus we have the Isaac Asimov psychohistory ..concept equations and the math mapping between the year 1914 database and year 1924 database…
    a) year 1914 –> pointer to 14 year old Robert Franks of year 1924
    b) name Franz –> pointer to name Frank
    c) Ferdinand –> subset letters Fe –> atomic symbol  Fe (Ferrous oxide IRON atom) pointer to IRON-56 –> pointer to 56th Street and the  Darwin evolution sign  ..Win …. Windermere Hotel
    picture  - table 2


Iron-56 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56.

picture - chicago 3
Thus ..we see Nature’s system AGENT code of year 1914 ..

The northern end of the bridge was the site of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by Gavrilo Princip in 1914, which became a casus belli of … Someone worked out that the yearwhen it was rebuilt can be obtained from …

History – ‎Assassination – ‎See also – ‎References
…… in other words ..
The northern end of the communications bridge was the site of the assassination of  the agent for Nature’s bio-computer language …… System Network Architecture  (software language used to run human civilization) …. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by Gavrilo Princip in 1914, which became a casus belli of …
Thus you have a brief outline of the situation.
I repeat another blog post  …that provided more clues to the unsolved puzzle about the death of Robert Franks.

The year 1924 Robert Franks database.

RD-blog-number-4161 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database started by  the Robert Franks signaling EVENT.


Let’s repeat another blog post that outlines many ideas.

Robert Franks and the year 1924 atomic social science murder

Rd-blog-number-4160 by Herb Zinser reveiws the year 1924 database of the Robert Franks murder.



Homicide in Chicago 1870-1930 :: 1924: Leopold and Loeb

For Chicago, the Leopold and Loeb trial was the crime of the century. A fourteen year old boy, Bobby Franks, wasmurdered by two young men, Nathan Leopold …


  • [PDF]Loeb-Leopold Murder of Franks in Chicago May 21 1924…

    Northwestern University School of Law
    by R Loeb – ‎1925

    [The kidnapping and murder of Robert Franks by Richard Loeband Nathan Leopold, Jr., in Chicago, Illinois, on May 21,1924, aroused worlc-wide interest-at …



tp://”>The Chicago Crime Scenes Project: September 2009

Sep 5, 2009 – Years of speculation by researchers about whetherLeopold or Loeb originally …. while housed in separate rooms at theWindermere Hotel on 56th and Hyde ..


The periodic atomic table has many formats of expression. One  such FORMAT are 2-legged humans with a brain that may or may not use SYMBOLS, math equations, and chemistry formula.

Thus we have the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social engineering and political science OUTPUT expressions using human display devices.


Hence, the keywords from the above murder of Robert Franks   equate  ..partially the process shown below.

Keycodes –>

Windermere Hotel on 56th Street _-> pointer to Iron-56

Unstable and rich –> represneted by the rich –> Leopold and Loeb


Murder commited in May of year 1924 –> May is the 5th month –> implies finanical number .. 5 cents –> impliies–> nickel involvement in a process  ….  as shown below.


56th Street and the University of Chicago implies Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26 and its atomic English alphabet of 26 letters.


Thus we see …Nature’s signal about …….  rapid beta decay in the Hyde Park region ..of the brain awareness BETA test site  ..known as the University of Chicago.


The year 1924 EVENT is more clear with the year 1956 EVENT.


!9 neutrons + 56-iron –> year 1956 and the IRON  Curtain  and teh Hungary uprising.


Hungarian Revolution of 1956 – Wikipedia, the free …


The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 or Hungarian Uprising of 1956….. of Budapest, some 250 Communists defended the Csepel Ironand Steel Works. On 27 …


Hungary in Revolt, 1956: The First Rip in the Iron Curtain ……/hungary-1956-a-rip-in-…

The Huffington Post

Oct 23, 2014 – It lasted less than three weeks, from October 23 until November 10, but the Hungarian Revolution that convulsed Budapest and the rest of …


Thus we see that 56th Street in Chicago …… is an IRON CURTAIN  ..  because the University  of Chicago refuses to discuss any of these psossibilities.
Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois  refuses to discuss the atomic social science city of EVANSTON  from the perspective of the book by Dr. Robley D. Evans.   This is in direct violation of atomic mass .. mass communications laws …. violations by the mass communications industry … television, radio, print, graphic arts, etc.
Thus we see the atomic brain decay at all CHicago universities as they continue to violate atomic thought integrity requirements … in the Margaret Mead atomic social sciences and atomic social laws.
Of course, the Isaac Asimov psychohistory equations are very popular nowdays.
Take the atomic expression ……..
Now, let’s consider the above SYMBOLs as a source domain that uses a math mapping to generate an EVENT in the destination range of physical REALITY.


Looking at the top equation ….we have the physical REALITY  atomic anger display ……….


NiL  Cole  Valentine …… that being the  generated EVENT better known as …..


Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free …


The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took … The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time. ….. help explain why he chose a geology class on Valentine’s Day to open fire.




Now, let’s take  look at  another atomic process.




Silcon number 14 N –> year 1914 Nephew  killed….


… nephew of Emperor Franz Josef and heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, … The archduke traveled to Sarajevo in June 1914 to inspect the imperial … where one of Cabrinovic’s cohorts, 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip, happened to be loitering. … in their limousine as it rushed to seek help; they both died within the hour.



Then like modern day silicon transitors used for electron circuit message system … in year 1914 the SILCON 14 N  message traveled thru TEN years of Tensor space/time to arrive at year 1924 …with  referback code 14 to year 1914.

The referback code 14 required the Darwinian atomic selection of 14 year old Robert Franks  and his FATHER TIME link to Hermann Weyl Space Time Matter   …that link being his father …a Chicago watch manufacturer.


In the above equation 56-nickel and 56-iron   ……used the commu8nications pathway of 56th Street in Chicago.


Thus we see that the SYMBOL MACHINE word –> silicon –> can act as an atomic language trap for —> silly con-games and schemes  and other langauge racketts used by university English departments and their schools of jouranlism.



Leopold and Loeb

In SYMBOL MACHINE defense of murderers ………..


Leopold and Loeb

Leop + old and Loeb + old


Leopold and Loe + bold

he living language for human bio-computers ….

Loe + bold –> L + oe –> Language order entry.

Leopold and Loeb

Leop …   and Loeb


super-symmetry language mirros and permutations




Base pair (BP)- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The regular structure and data redundancy provided by the DNA double helix make DNA well suited to the storage of geneticinformation, while base-pairing …

Loe +  b


Leo  + p

Therefore BP = Base pair expression







Loe , Leo


L (oe, eo)


Tus we have the Langauge vowels and the direction of usage ….

or bidirectional usage


Loe  –> order entry



Leo(f) –> end of file

End-of-file – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In computing, end of file (commonly abbreviated EOF) is a condition in a … In the ANSI X3.27-1969 magnetic tape standard, the end of file was indicated by a …
Thus we have the Robert Franks –> Frank –> rank and file equation.
Thus Frank and Leopold form another information base pair ,,,,the year 1924 RANK and FILE   data processing sign  …
with the IRON-56 …. 56th Street Windermere Hotel link to the NORTH POLE magnetic data field   ..whose magnetic field flow lines that flow thru the University of Chicago building, automobiles, and human IRON proteins and human brains.
iron core - Earth
ibm tape drive  1

Leopold and Loeb – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Leopold and Loeb crime has been the inspiration for several works in film, …. then concealed the body in a culvert along the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks …

Pennsylvania Railroad tracks …
Pennsylvania Railroad tracks …

The BRAIN symbol permutation BRIAN
–> EARTH LAB specimen
–>  Brian Greene: A Physicist Explains ‘The Hidden Reality’ Of … › News › Science › Space

Jan 24, 2011 – It is possible that there are many other EARTHLY  universes that exist parallel to our EARTH perception of our personal  universe. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant …

Pennsylvania Railroad tracks …
Pennsylvania Railroad tracks …
Pennsylvania Railroad tracks … implies 2 parallel lines of Euclidean geometry  ….  2 iron railroad tracks …. 2 parallel lines  of the magnetic field that flow / interact  with bio-physics iron  and human brain thoughts
hemoglobin pricture
Thus ….. we the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 event in year 1924 ……
played out in the human brain data processing  region of  the University of Chicago with IRON-56 isoopes(t)  along 56th Street

Loe  –> order entry



Leo(f) –> end of file ….. and the rank of base 16 Hex’F’ =15 ….. F + rank = Frank

picture  - hex 2



End-of-file – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In computing, end of file (commonly abbreviated EOF) is a condition in a … In the ANSI X3.27-1969 magnetic tape standard, the end of file was indicated by a …
Thus we have the Robert Franks –> Frank –> Hex’F’  rank and file equation.
picture - magnetic tape blocks
The EARTH  ….. city data record blocks of Hyde Park along IRON-56 Street  …….
picture - chicago 3
picture - magnetic tape words

System i tape files: Tape labeling – IBM…/taplbl.htm

When a high-level language program writes data to tape, the system writes the data to the tape after the tape mark. Reaching the end of the file the system writes .

End-of-Volume and End-of-File Label Processing for OS – IBM…ibm…/eoveof.htm

An end-of-volume or end-of-file condition occurs when: A tape mark is read. The physical end of a tape is reached. The FEOV (forced end of volume) macro is …

The FEOV (forced end of volume) macro is …

The FEOV (forced end of volume) macro is …

The FEOV (forced end of volume) macro is …


Thus the Windermere Hotel on 56th Street –>  ferrous oxide  IRON atomic symbol   Fe

iron atom 26

The Fe —> FEOV (forced end of volume) macro  … generated the  forced kidnapping of Robert Franks in year 1924   ……   to force  the End-of-File  so the End-of -Volume process could take place.      A volume may have several subset files … that must be completed and closed …before  the entire  set of files (volume) can complete.



Thus … year 2014  ….. 90 years after year 1924  ..we see the same magnetic field TAPE event occur ….


Canfield Drive – Site of Mike Brown Shooting – Becomes ……/canfield-drive-site-of-mike-brown-shooti

Nov 26, 2014 – In Ferguson, Missouri, the site on Canfield Drive where robber Michael Brown was shot dead by white police officer Darren Wilson is becoming …

Michael Brown shooting …. occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, ..


Ferguson –> subset code Fe –> Ferrous oxide IRON atom  and magnetic field interaction

Missouri –> subset symbols –> MIS = Management Information Systems of Nature

Canfield –> subset word –> Field –>> data field

Darren –> Da + arr –> Data array
The FEOV (forced end of volume) macro is …

The FEOV (forced end of volume) macro is …
The FEOV (forced end of volume) macro used the volume of  Michael Brown as a message ……


end of volume

end of volume

end of volume –>

 At the time of his bio-computer  death, he was 6 ft 4 in  tall and weighed 292 lb 

michael brown






Thus year 2014  … the Leopold and Loeb affair has many loose ends  and incomplete explanations  …as students take courses in advanced creative writing class on how to write bull-stories and avoid the finer details of  the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie a tragic signaling EVENT.

Perhaps, the citizen / federal government and their newspaper buddies  may wish to explain  the Ferguson, Missouri cover-up and  bull-stories.




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